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Board and Executive Remuneration

We manage our remuneration through clearly defined processes, with well-defined governance principles, ensuring that no individual is involved in the decision-making related to their own remuneration and that there is appropriate oversight of any compensation decision.

Our Remuneration Policy sets a framework and describes the key principles as well as the decision-making processes for the remuneration of Nokia’s governing bodies-, i.e. the Board of Directors and the President and CEO. In respect of other Group Leadership Team (GLT) members, the Personnel Committee of the Board approves and oversees their remuneration subject to the same Remuneration Policy framework, including share ownership requirement and clawback policy.

Remuneration Policy

The Remuneration Policy was last presented to the Annual General Meeting 3 April 2024 for an advisory vote. Accordingly, the remuneration of the President and CEO as well as the Board of Directors shall be in line with this Policy as long as it remains in force. The updated Remuneration Policy is presented to the Annual General Meeting 2025.  A remuneration policy will be presented to the Annual General Meeting at least every four years in line with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code.

Remuneration Report

The Remuneration Report will be annually presented to the shareholders for an advisory vote. The Remuneration Report describes the implementation of Nokia’s Remuneration Policy and provides information on the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO, during the preceding financial year. 

Remuneration in our Annual Report 2024

The Remuneration section included in our Nokia Annual Report includes further information on the remuneration of the Nokia Group Leadership Team and their aggregate paid remuneration for the preceding financial year, overview of our incentive plans as well as further information on the remuneration related decision-making and meetings of the Board’s Personnel Committee.

Remuneration of the Board of Directors

Remuneration of the Board is annually presented to shareholders for approval at the Annual General Meeting. The Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee prepares the proposal for the shareholders in line with the Corporate Governance guidelines and valid Remuneration Policy. The Committee also reviews the remuneration for the members of the Board against international companies of similar size and complexity, and aims to ensure that Nokia is able to attract and retain Board members from diverse backgrounds with relevant skills and international experience to oversee the company strategy with emphasis on long-term value creation.

The Annual General Meeting 2024 resolved on the Board remuneration for the term that ends at the close of the next Annual General Meeting as outlined in the below tables.

Remuneration summary of the Board of Directors


Fees consist of annual fees and meeting fees.

Approximately 40% of the annual fee is paid in Nokia shares purchased from the market on behalf of the Board members or alternatively delivered as treasury shares held by the Company. The balance is paid in cash, most of which is typically used to cover taxes arising from the paid remuneration.

Meeting fees are paid in cash.

Meeting fees are paid to all Board members, including the Board Chair.


Non-executive directors are not eligible to participate in any Nokia incentive plans and do not receive performance shares, restricted shares or any other equity-based or other form of variable compensation for their duties as members of the Board.


Non-executive directors do not participate in any Nokia pension plans.

Share ownership requirement

Members of the Board shall normally retain until the end of their directorship such number of shares that corresponds to the number of shares they have received as Board remuneration during their first three years of service in the Board (the net amount received after deducting those shares needed to offset any costs relating to the acquisition of the shares, including taxes).


Directors are compensated for travel and accommodation expenses as well as other costs directly related to Board and Committee work. This compensation is paid in cash.

Annual fees



440 000

Vice Chair

210 000


185 000

Chair of Audit Committee

30 000

Member of Audit Committee

15 000

Chair of Personnel Committee

30 000

Member of Personnel Committee

15 000

Chair of Strategy Committee

20 000

Member of Strategy Committtee

10 000

Chair of Technology Committee

20 000

Member of Technology Committee

10 000

Meeting fee (paid for a maximum seven meetings per term)


Meeting requiring intercontinental travel

5 000

Meeting requiring continental travel

2 000

Remuneration of the President and CEO

The remuneration of the President and CEO is approved by the Board, upon the recommendation of the Personnel Committee in accordance with the Remuneration Policy. 

The below table outlines the CEO pay overview for 2024 and 2025. In the beginning of 2024, Pekka Lundmark received an increase of 8.5% in his annual base salary in recognition of his performance. Pekka Lundmark will step down from the role of the Nokia President and CEO on 31 March 2025.

Further information is available in our Remuneration Policy, in the Remuneration Report and the Remuneration section included in our Annual Report. 

Remuneration elements of the President and CEO in 2024 and 2025

Annual base salary

EUR 1 410 500

Short-term incentives

Target award: 125% of base salary
Minimum 0% of base salary
Maximum 281.25% of base salary


  • 60% Operating Profit
  • 20% Cash Release
  • 10% Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
  • 10% Diversity (in recruitments)
  • Long-term incentives

    Three-year performance share plan

    Target award: 200% of base salary
    Minimum payout 0% of base salary
    Maximum payout 400% of base salary (excluding the share price movement)
    Performance metrics for 2024 Performance Shares:

  • 50% Relative Total Shareholder Return (TSR)
  • 40% Cumulative Reported EPS (adjusted for impairments and M&A)
  • 10% Carbon emission reduction (Scope 1,2 and 3)
  • The co-investment arrangement(eLTI): The President and CEO may be invited to invest up to two times his base salary in Nokia shares and is offered a matching award of two Performance Shares for each share invested. The invested shares must be held for three years from the date of the matching award for the matching shares to vest, which will be subject to performance conditions.
    Mr. Lundmark was invited to participate in a co-investment arrangement in 2024, under which he invested €2.8 million in Nokia shares.


    Contribution to the mandatory TyEL pension plan in Finland.

    Benefits & mobility

    Life and critical illness insurance, private medical insurance and company car.

    Share ownership requirement

    Target: 3 times base salary.

    The President and CEO’s share ownership and unvested share awards

    Our share ownership policy requires that the President and CEO holds a minimum of three times his or her annual base salary in Nokia shares in order to ensure alignment with shareholder interests over the long term. Pekka Lundmark significantly exceeds this requirement, well within the five-year allotted period.

    On 31.12.2024 Pekka Lundmark held in total 1 573 826 shares and he had been granted 3 718 730 unvested Performance Shares under the outstanding Nokia long-term incentive plans.

    The President and CEO’s termination provisions

    Termination by







    The President and CEO is entitled to no additional remuneration and all unvested equity awards would be forfeited after termination.


    Reasons other than cause

    Up to 12 months

    The President and CEO is entitled to a severance payment equaling up to 12 months’ remuneration (including annual base salary, benefits, and target short-term incentive) and unvested equity awards would be forfeited after termination, unless the Board determines otherwise.

    President and CEO

    Any reason

    12 months

    The President and CEO may terminate his service agreement at any time with 12 months’ notice. The President and CEO would either continue to receive salary and benefits during the notice period or, at Nokia’s discretion, a lump sum of equivalent value. Additionally, the President and CEO would be entitled to any short- or long-term incentives that would normally vest during the notice period. Any unvested equity awards would normally be forfeited after termination, with the exception that in the case of death, permanent disability and retirement, unvested equity awards would continue to vest at normal vesting date, subject to performance and time proration, unless the Board determines otherwise.

    President and CEO

    Nokia’s material breach of the service agreement

    Up to 12 months

    In the event that the President and CEO terminates his service agreement based on a final arbitration award demonstrating Nokia’s material breach of the service agreement, he is entitled to a severance payment equaling up to 12 months’ remuneration (including annual base salary, benefits and target incentive). Any unvested equity awards would be forfeited after termination.

    The President and CEO is subject to a 12-month non-competition and non-solicit obligation that applies after the termination of the service agreement or the date when he is released from his obligations and responsibilities, whichever occurs earlier.

    Remuneration of the Group Leadership Team

    Executives on the Group Leadership Team are subject to the same remuneration policy framework as the President and CEO. This includes being subject to clawback and shareholding requirements. The shareholding requirement for members of the Group Leadership Team is two times their annual base salary within five years from their appointment. The Personnel Committee has overall responsibility for evaluating and resolving the remuneration of the members of the Group Leadership Team (excluding the remuneration of the President and CEO, which is approved by the Board of Directors based on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee) and their terms of employment; ensuring that the remuneration is performance-based as a main rule and designed to contribute to long-term shareholder value creation and alignment to shareholders’ interests. As a general rule, the right to incentives always requires a valid contract of employment. The Group Leadership Team members’ average notice period is six months.

    The remuneration of the Group Leadership Team members (excluding the President and CEO) consists of base salary, benefits, and short- and long-term incentives. Short-term incentive plans are based on rewarding the delivery of business performance utilizing certain, or all, of the following metrics as appropriate to the member’s role: Economic Profit, diversity, carbon emission reduction and defined strategic objectives. 

    The long-term incentive targets are set at the start of the performance period of the plan. The plans generally hold a three-year vesting period and the vesting is subject to continued employment. 

    The aggregate remuneration of the Group Leadership Team (excluding the President and CEO) in 2024 is presented in the table below: 

    2024 EURm(1)

    Salary, short-term incentives and other compensation(2)


    Long-term incentives(3)




    (1) The values represent each member’s time on the Group Leadership Team.

    (2) Other compensation includes mobility related payments, local benefits and pension costs.

    (3) The amounts represent the equity awards that vested in 2024.


    The members of the Group Leadership Team (excluding the President and CEO) were awarded the following equity awards under the Nokia equity program in 2024:


    Units awarded (1)

    Grant date


    Performance share award(2)

    7 445 257

    5 July 2024
    16 August 2024
    16 December 2024

    Q3 2027
    Q4 2027

    Restricted share award(3)

    151 467

    5 July 2024
    11 October 2024
    16 December 2024

    Q4 2025
    Q4 2026
    Q3 2027

    (1) Includes units awarded to persons who were Group Leadership Team members during 2024.

    (2) The 2024 performance shares have a three-year performance period based on total shareholder return. The maximum payout is 200% subject to maximum performance against the performance criterion. Vesting is subject to continued employment.

    (3) Vesting of the tranches of the restricted share award is conditional to continued employment.